Day 2
Exceptions and Localization
- Understanding Exceptions
- The Role of Exceptions
- Understanding Exception Types
- Throwing an Exception
- Calling Methods That Throw Exceptions
- Overriding Methods with Exceptions
- Printing an Exception
- Recognizing Exception Classes
- RuntimeException Classes
- Checked Exception Classes
- Error Classes
- Handling Exceptions
- sing try and catch Statements
- Chaining catch Blocks
- Applying a Multi- catch Block
- Adding a finally Block
- Automating Resource Management
- Introducing Try- with- Resources
- Basics of Try- with- Resources
- Applying Effectively Final
- Understanding Suppressed Exceptions
- Formatting Values
- Formatting Numbers
- Formatting Dates and Times
- Customizing the Date/Time Format
- Supporting Internationalization and Localization
- Picking a Locale
- Localizing Numbers
- Localizing Dates
- Specifying a Locale Category
- Loading Properties with Resource Bundles
- Creating a Resource Bundle
- Picking a Resource Bundle
- Selecting Resource Bundle Values
- Formatting Messages
- Using the Properties Class
- Introducing Modules
- Exploring a Module
- Benefits of Modules
- Creating and Running a Modular Program
- Creating the Files
- Compiling Our First Module
- Running Our First Module
- Packaging Our First Module
- Updating Our Example for Multiple Modules
- Updating the Feeding Module
- Creating a Care Module
- Creating the Talks Module
- Creating the Staff Module
- Diving into the Module Declaration
- Exporting a Package
- Requiring a Module Transitively
- Opening a Package
- Creating a Service
- Declaring the Service Provider Interface
- Creating a Service Locator
- Invoking from a Consumer
- Adding a Service Provider
- Reviewing Directives and Services
- Discovering Modules
- Identifying Built- in Modules
- Getting Details with java
- Describing with jar
- Learning about Dependencies with jdeps
- Using the -- jdk- internals Flag
- Using Module Files with jmod
- Creating Java Runtimes with jlink
- Reviewing Command- Line Options
- Comparing Types of Modules
- Named Modules
- Automatic Modules
- Unnamed Modules
- Reviewing Module Types
- Migrating an Application
- Determining the Order
- Exploring a Bottom- Up Migration Strategy
- Exploring a Top- Down Migration Strategy
- Splitting a Big Project into Modules
- Failing to Compile with a Cyclic Dependency